How To Perform Printer's Self Test LX-300/LX-300+

Written By MaYaK on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 | Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Self Test Printer adalah salah satu fasilitas yang terdapat dalam printer. Setiap printer hampir pasti memiliki fasilitas ini. Print self test dilakukan tanpa menggunakan komputer sebagai perangkat perantara. Tujuan untuk menguji printer tanpa menggunakan komputer diperlukan untuk menentukan apakah ada kerusakan pada printer, seperti tidak bisa melakukan print out atau dapat mengetahui hasil mencetak printer.

Printer's Self Test on the Dot Matrix Printer LX 300.
LF/FF + Power-On
  • Turn on the printer and insert the paper.
  • Turn off the printer after a paper entry.
  • Then turn it back on while pressing the FF (fast forward).
  • So if your printer can print out the form of letters and numbers that print out the results was good, it means that your printer is in good condition.
Printer's Self Test on the Dot Matrix Printer LX 300+.
LF/FF + Power-On.
  • Make sure the printer is turned off and the paper-release lever is pushed back to the single-sheet position. Raise the paper guide upright.
  • While holding down the LF/FF button, turn on the printer. The PAUSE light flashes.
  • Slide the left edge guide until it locks in place at the guide mark. Next, adjust the right edge guide to match the width of your paper.
  • Slide a sheet of paper down firmly between the edge guides until it meets resistance. The printer loads the sheet automatically.
  • Press the PAUSE button. The printer begins printing the self test.
  • To stop printing temporarily, press the PAUSE button.
  • To end the self test, make sure the printer is not printing. Press LF/FF to eject the sheet, then turn off the printer.


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